Friday, March 20, 2009

Okay Folks, Here's the Scoop

Yes, we're home and up to our elbows in water.

We arrived home last Tuesday about 4 o'clock to a driveway that had water rushing over the top of it and washing out the gravel. Ole determined that it was still hard enough to get the monster motorhome up the driveway and to the house. The water over the driveway at that time was due to a culvert that was still frozen so the water rushing from the field down to the river backed up and took the path of least resistance - over our driveway. By 6 o'clock it had opened up and all was well in that area at least.

The river had begun to rise, but we got the RV unpacked and in the midst of all that heard the latest flood forecast. The river rose almost 4 feet overnight and was in our backyard the next morning. We heard the flood forecast and went into full "flood mode." Lovely Daughter and Lars came out that day and helped us get cars started (all Ole's restored cars and street rods) and moved to higher ground - in other people's garages in our little village. Motorcycles also. We took the motorhome back out and parked it in the church parking lot. Then we lifted everything else that was left in the storage building and in the shop up 4 feet off the ground so that it wouldn't get wet. Believe me, we were all really whipped puppies by the end of the day. Now it's a matter of watching and waiting to see what the river actually does.

The weather bureau has been changing the river forecast several times a day, so that goes to show they really don't know what's going to happen either. We have a forecast for heavy rain by the beginning of next week - so I hope they don't know what they're talking about there either. Hopefully they're wrong. If we get heavy rain at this point we might as well just float a boat and leave this place.

There are numerous reasons why we flood so bad now - we never used to. They're all political and I won't go into them right now because I'll get so angry I may burst a blood vessel. Maybe I can talk about them in a couple of days if the river starts to go down.

Anyway, I pulled this video off one of our local tv channels. The video was taken in my neighborhood - very close by.

Watch it and you'll see what we're up against.

More later -

Lena GWBMT (growing webs between my toes)


Marge said...

Pleae be careful. I pray you will be safe from the rising waters. Son in the Forks says it could be record water. Not good. We remember 1997. Hope you can keep us informed through this whole ordeal.

Be safe and be blessed.

Anonymous said...

I'll be hoping for the best for you guys. Man. This just can't be happening again!

Anonymous said...

I'll be hoping for the best for you guys. Man. This just can't be happening again!