Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pink Flying Pigs

Today is my birthday, but that's okay, you don't have to go out and buy me an expensive gift. I didn't give you much warning, you know, so I don't expect any little sparkly, glittery thing that costs a lot of money. I'm not that kind of person anyway - I'm more of a blue jeans and t-shirt person and diamonds just don't fit well with that kind of haute couture.

Here's a picture of my 6th birthday party. Not a big deal - just me and the neighbor kids.

I think this was the spring before I started school. We didn't have kindergarten "way back then" so I would have been going into first grade the following September. That's me in the middle with the blonde hair. Note the rolled up blue jeans and the jean boots. I was a cool kid even way back then - I had a big sister that followed all the latest trends so I just followed her style. Does anybody else remember jean boots? They were about ankle high and had a chain that jingled that hung on the side of the boot and attached somewhere on the front. Oh, I thought I was so cool. The girl to the right had rolled up jeans and jean boots too, although you can't see them because the picture is so dark. My big sister was her mentor also.

The shirt I was wearing was pink with flying pigs all over it. Isn't it funny how there are certain pieces of clothing that you had as a little kid that you remember so vividly? The pink flying pigs must have been the memory provoking item there, huh? Can you imagine putting pink flying pigs on your kids clothing today? They'd be laughed out of school in about 5 seconds!!

So what is your most memorable birthday? What made the biggest impact on you?

The first one that comes to mind is the year that Ole hired a male stripper for me!! But I'm not going to talk about that here (snicker).

Instead I'll tell you about the one that left me speechless for three days after. On my 40th birthday Ole planned a little surprise party and invited some close friends over for the evening. You know - the barbecue thing, etc. Very low key. That is until it came time for him to give me my birthday present.

Farmer Neighbor Dave owned a classic 1975 Corvette with T-tops - red no less. So the night of my birthday was a beautiful spring evening and Farmer Neighbor Dave decided to drive his Corvette with the t-tops out (of course) over to our house for the evening. When he arrived he drove his car right up onto my front yard - right up to the front door - and parked it on my grass. Now anybody who knows me knows that I'm VERY particular about my yard. When he walked in the door I immediately asked him who in the world he thought he was parking on my front lawn!!! That's when Ole presented me with the title to Farmer Neighbor Dave's red corvette with the t-tops. He said he thought I needed a red corvette when I turned 40!!

I had a lot of fun with that car for a few years, but due to a chronic back problem it just wasn't the most comfortable car to drive. You sit very low to the ground and in an extremely reclined position when you're driving. Almost like your behind is dragging on the ground. So every time I drove it for any period of time I climbed out of it with a serious backache. So after a few years I sold it and gave Ole the money to put towards a new Harley Davidson motorcycle. Now I ride on the back and actually have a lot more fun because we're riding together instead of me in my Corvette and Ole in one of his old cars.

So history has repeated itself and Ole gave me another car for my birthday - only this time it was an SUV - and it came earlier than my birthday, but that's okay. I needed it. When I was 40 he thought I needed something wild like a red Corvette. Now that I'm *&@# he thought I needed something practical like an SUV. At least I don't have to feel like I'm dragging my behind on the ground this time.

Is that supposed to tell me something?

Anyway - just wish me happy birthday and I'll be satisfied. Aren't I easy to please?


StitchinByTheLake said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday! I remember my 6th birthday a cowgirl suit with a skirt and vest, both fringed. :) blessings, marlene

harrietv said...

A very happy birthday! May you enjoy your car in good health.

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

A very Happy Birthday! May this be the start of a very good year for you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lena! You look younger every year! How do you do that?!!!

Marge said...

Happy birthday! Sorry I haven't been around lately. I got that new little Acer, and transfered my favorites over in batches. You happened to be in the last batch, so I missed a few of your posts. I'm back now, and will check you daily again! Have a great evening. I'm drinking a glass of merlot in your honor!

Paula said...

Happy Birthday Lena. When I was 40 I bought a little while 2 seater convertible Geo Metro....LOVED that car...felt so cool. It wasn't a Corvette but it was cute, sporty and a convertible. You do need something at 40 to remind yourself you're still way young and by the time you're &*(#$ don't need things like that to tell yourself and the world that you're worthy. Happy Happy B-Day

Calthea said...

Happy Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day filled with lots of laughter and memories.

Capitolady said...

Happy Birthday dear lady! Here's to us Taurus's.

Carolyn said...

Happy, happy birthday! Enjoy your new car! I wish you a happy, peaceful, joyful year!

Meggie said...

Everyone deserves a Happy Birthday wish. Loved reading about your past birthdays, especially your sixth. I didn't have a big sister because I was the big sister. Lucky you! Don't remember jean boots either, but I have no doubt they were cool. -Megan-

Memaw's memories said...

Sounds like you had a great birthday. I turned 60 this year and had my first ever birthday party. We didn't do parties when I was a kid, and I was too busy doing them for my kids to ever think about one for myself, but when I turned 60, my kids and my brothers gave me a surprise party. I loved it.

Jean said...

Happy, happy birthday, Lena! Hope all is well in the great white north!