I guess if bad stuff has to happen it might as well all happen at once so I can get it over with.
1. We're flooding again. Not as bad as last spring, but bad enough, and the river hasn't crested yet so we really don't know where it's going to stop. We had a severe storm move through south of us two nights ago dropping 8 inches of rain in the area where our river starts about 15 miles south of here. I knew we were in for trouble, but one never knows how much trouble. The river rose 8 feet over night and is still rising - rapidly. Ole was planning to leave for Minneapolis this morning to attend the annual Back to the 50s weekend on the state fair grounds that he never misses. I informed him I wasn't very comfortable with him being gone for the entire weekend and leaving me to deal with this. So far he's home.
2. I had the annual mammogram last Tuesday at one of the satellite clinics. I just received a call this morning that I have to report to the main clinic tomorrow and have one redone because the radiologist spotted a shadow. Something more for me to lose sleep over.
3. I received a call yesterday afternoon regarding Big Brother, who lives down in New Mexico. He's a bachelor so he was alone when this happened. He was changing, or trying to change a fluorescent light bulb in his shop, which has a 20 foot ceiling. He was standing on the top of a 10-foot step ladder (dumb) when the ladder gave way or he slipped or some such thing and fell to the concrete floor. He busted his left wrist, right shoulder, broke his nose, and broke some of the bones around his eye. When he came to he managed to get to a phone to call his neighbor who rushed him to the ER in the closest town (20 miles away). They didn't have an orthopedic doctor so they shipped him by ambulance to El Paso, TX at 10 o'clock last night and performed surgery when he arrived. I haven't heard results yet, but hope to know something by late this afternoon.
Okay. That's enough for now, don't you think? I need to come up for air.
I'm so sorry Lena. But don't bad things come in threes? If so, then you've had 3 bad things and it's sunshine and roses after this. :) blessings, marlene
Keeping you in my prayers. I really hope that that is the set, and things only get better from here. Mel
Oh my. Take a deep breath and just keep on praying--I will also.
purple chai
Oy. Best wishes to your brother, and no more flooding! As for the third, keep the good thought. I always have to go back for shadows, more mammos, ultrasounds, even needle biopsies, and it's always okay.
What the heck?! Hang in there, Lena. I'll send good vibes through the rainstorms.
You know all your online friends are here for you, even when we can't do any more than wish you good thoughts.
Deep breaths, my dear. Even the mammogram can be handled.
My initial reaction is "when it rains it pours" but you already know that being flooded over and over again...so I won't say that. Hope all goes well for Brother and take it from someone who has had the Mammo re-do several times...a shadow is just a shadow and a lump is just an nodule until proven otherwise....when it comes to mammo results, there are more benign reasons than not....it is what it is and until you hear otherwise....you're just fine...one day at a time. (((HUGS)))
As always, you and your family are in my prayers. {{HUG}}
When I heard the news say 8 inches of rain in your area, I immediately thought of you and prayed you'd be safe. How much water can one area handle! Sorry about your brother's accident, and I hope he recovers quickly. And as for the mammo.......been there, done that, and it turned out to be a shadow, just as they said. I'll be thinking of you so be sure to let me know the results.
Oh, no. That's definitely more than your fair share of trouble there. I pray everything turns out fine sooner rather than later.
And I hope your brother makes a quick recovery. I know you must want to be there with him, too.
Melanie a/k/a junkmel1
Your brother is in my prayers.
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