Friday, January 9, 2009

Beau & Daisy's Great Adventure

Hey Everybody – Beau here. Grandma said I could write today because I’m SOOO excited (pant, pant, pant). Guess what? Daisy and I are going on a Great Adventure. My Mom decided to let us go along with Grandma and Grandpa on their trip south in the motor home. There’s a lot of reasons why she decided to let us go, and I don’t really understand all of them – – I’m just so happy to go along with Grandpa I just can’t keep from licking him and Grandma, too.

We take turns leaning up against Grandpa when he’s driving and sometimes we press on the seat controls and Grandpa goes for an unexpected ride – forward, backward, up and down. Then he laughs and pats us on the head. If we’re not leaning against him we sit in front of Grandma where we can see over the dash and watch everything go by. We saw a bobcat along the highway a few miles back, and not a dead one either – it was live and hunting something in the ditch. Boy I would have given that guy a “what for” if I could have gotten out to chase him.

Speaking of scaring things (which I like to do, but I only bark, I don’t bite) we stopped at a rest area yesterday so Daisy and I could get a little exercise. A guy in a big truck pulled up and watched Grandpa outside with us. When we got back in the RV the trucker got out of his cab – he was a BIG guy, as big as Grandpa – and he had this itty-bitty tiny dog that ran around looking important and sniffing in all the places Daisy and I had gone. He peed everywhere we did and then scratched dirt on top of it. Daisy and I really barked loud at him – but we were inside the motor home so we couldn’t do much. Dang anyway.

It was nice and peaceful where we stayed last night. But I guess I scared the “you know what” out of Grandma when she was sleeping. I snuggled down on a rug on the floor on Grandpa’s side of the bed and I guess I must have been dreaming or something because she said I started wagging my tail real hard and was hitting the wall. She said it woke her from a sound sleep because it sounded like someone banging on the outside of the motor home. She was going to wake Grandpa up but then she realized it was just me being happy in my dreams.

We’re going through Kansas today. We stopped at a rest stop so Daisy and I got to go out and run. It was so fun because it was 60 degrees out, the sun was shining and there was no snow on the ground. Just think – it’s January here, just like at home there’s snow on the ground and it’s really cold.

Well, I guess I better sign off now because Grandma says she wants to use the computer. Besides, this takes me awhile to do because my paws are so big and I make lots of mistakes.

Later Guys,

Love Beau


  1. Hey, Beau! Glad you all are having a good trip. Stay safe.

  2. Hi Beau! You are so lucky that you get to go on this road trip south!!!! Have a wonderful time and keep us posted. Say hi to Daisy and lick your grandparents for me!

  3. I miss you Beau! Give Daisy a kiss from me. When you get home it's very likely that we'll all have a new place to live with all kinds of new smells and neighbor dogs to go make friends with. Love you!!

  4. I miss you Beau! Give Daisy a kiss from me. When you get home it's very likely that we'll all have a new place to live with all kinds of new smells and neighbor dogs to go make friends with. Love you!!

  5. Thanks for sharing Beau! Take good care of Grandma and Grandpa.

  6. I hope you are continuing to have a good trip. Things in Florida are humid, but okay. Kind of cloudy today, but the sun will come out tomorrow!
