Here's a shot taken from the east side of our house.
And another from the backyard looking west.
And from the side of the garage looking south. My little log cabin garden shed has a couple of feet of water in it.
This is from our front yard looking east toward the highway. As far as I can tell the highway isn't under water yet. That's one of our trailers with a boat tied up to it. Ole has since moved the boat in closer to the house.
From our front yard looking toward Lovely Daughter's house.
Looking back toward our little island. Note all the trash in the water that we're going to have to clean up when this is done.
The rate of rise has slowed considerably. In past days the water has risen from an inch to an inch and a half per hour. It seems to have slowed down to about a half inch an hour this morning - so this is good! That usually indicates that it's about ready to crest. According to the weather bureau we're supposed to crest tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. But this flood has acted so strange that who knows what's going to happen. We also have a forecast for an inch or two of snow starting tonight. But at least that will need time to melt and not just run directly into the river.
From our front yard looking toward Lovely Daughter's house.
And we are now "proud owners" of three more 55-gallon oil drums and a couple of tires that have floated in from somewhere.
Looking back toward our little island. Note all the trash in the water that we're going to have to clean up when this is done.
The rate of rise has slowed considerably. In past days the water has risen from an inch to an inch and a half per hour. It seems to have slowed down to about a half inch an hour this morning - so this is good! That usually indicates that it's about ready to crest. According to the weather bureau we're supposed to crest tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. But this flood has acted so strange that who knows what's going to happen. We also have a forecast for an inch or two of snow starting tonight. But at least that will need time to melt and not just run directly into the river.
I was reading on the county web page this morning that there are 120 roads in the county that are either under water or completely washed out. The county just to the south of us has 80% of their roads either under water or washed out.
So anyway, in a nutshell, the water is still rising but the rate of rise has slowed down. So MAYBE we'll escape again this time.
Love Lena
Wow Lena! What a mess! I feel for you. And the doggers must be filthy!
ReplyDeleteI repeat: You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please be safe!
ReplyDeleteDo you all have power (electricity)? I'd be worried to death about electrocution events. Dwain and I have been reading on the AP wire about all the flooding problems, not only in your state but in North Dakota too. What a mess! And the trash floating around. Yuck! And then there is the mud to come. I feel for you.