Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Bionic Woman

Yup - Folks - I truly surpass all of you now in my strengths and abilities (snicker) as I am now officially the Bionic Woman.

I had my total hip replacement last Thursday and got home Sunday afternoon. The doctor said it was a very mundane and boring surgery - just the way he likes to see them. Although he told me there were a lot more bone spurs inside the socket than he initially thought and told me again that he was surprised that I was walking at all.

Anyway - glad that's over and I'm on the mend.

A friend who had his hip replaced last spring loaned me his little walker/cart thingie that has wheels on it and a seat so if I get "too far from home" and need to sit a bit I can just turn around and plant my butt. It's come in handy a couple of times. Things can get pretty wild around here because my cats aren't used to having conflicting traffic and don't always move out of the way quick enough. They seem to think they have the right-of-way and I have to go around them. You know how cats are. So there has been a tail or two that's been bumped with a wheel. Not intentionally, mind you, but now they see me coming and move along.

The docs want me up and moving as much as I can and to put as much weight on my leg as I can tolerate. So I make laps around the kitchen, through the dining room and living and back into the kitchen again. I haven't hit any 30 mph corners yet but I'm working on it. Ole told me yesterday he was going to have to lay down some speed bumps.

Ole's been a good nurse so far, although I think he's found out I don't sit around and eat bon bons all day. Today we're going to tackle laundry so that should be an interesting experience. Fortunately my laundry room is on the main floor!!

I even managed to go to church last night - it was nice to get out of the house for a bit although it was 10 below zero. Here we go with that darn stuff again.

Love Lena


  1. Thought something like this was going on because it has been a long time sign you blogged. Been thinking of you with this horrible weather in the north. Hang in there. Rehab is 90% mental...

  2. Sounds like you're doing real well with it, I wish you continued success. I hope I sound as chipper as you do a week after a hip replacement!

    purple chai

  3. There you are! I was wondering what sort of trouble you might have been up to. I'm glad to hear it was spare-parts surgery!

  4. I'm glad to see you back online. I think you'll do really well with the new hip. By the time the season comes around, you'll be back on the motorcycle 8)

  5. Oh, I am so glad to read this post. I was worried about you! Now I remember that you had mentioned you were having this surgery. Glad you are doing so well! Wow! You even went to church last night? Our services were cancelled.....too much blizzard going on. But we're shoveled out now and ready to take whatever comes our way. Of course I talk smart because we're leaving in 18 days!

    So keep posting as long as you're slowed down a bit!

    Glad you're back!

  6. It's so good to know that you're up and about (sort of.) I wish you a speedy recovery and a Merry Christmas!

  7. Congratulations on your new hip. I'm sure you'll be running in slow motion in no time ;-)


  8. Are you able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Glad you are back!

  9. Glad to have you back, Lena! Hope your holiday is cheery and bright!
