I'm in my creative phase of life, I guess. Today I was busy designing a new kitchen wall covering. It wasn't paint and it wasn't wallpaper - it was au naturale and extremely original if I do say so myself.
You see, I was reading Crazy Aunt Purl's webpage the other day, and she gave out this most wonderful sounding recipe for Black Bean Soup with Cilantro Lime Sour Cream. I decided that it sounded so yummy that I was going to try it. So this morning I quick ran to town to get the ingredients that I didn't have on hand intending to come home, stir it up and stick it in the crockpot. Well, one thing led to another with phone calls and other obligations so I didn't get it started until about 3 o'clock this afternoon. Well, naturally, it wasn't going to get done in the crockpot with that late a start, so I opted for the shortcut method and put it in a dutch oven to simmer for a couple of hours. It was smelling delicious as time went on.
Well, the DEstructions said that once all the vegies were cooked sufficiently it should be put in a blender and blended smooth batch by batch and returned to the dutch oven. Now if I had had my wits about me (and sometimes I wonder if I have any of those at all) I would have realized that it should have been cooled before it was put into the blender.
Take my word for it, Folks, don't ever put hot soup in a blender and turn it on to puree!! Guess what happens - the cover blows off the blender and you've got hot soup flying all over your kitchen. And it's so hot and flying so fast that you can't get close enough to the blender to turn it off!!
Ole was just reaching the top of the stairs when I had this fiasco going on. I won't repeat what he said - it wouldn't be nice. He came tearing into the kitchen, yanked the plug out of the wall, grabbed my arm that was covered in hot soup and stuck it under the cold water. Owie - it hurt a lot.
Once he got my arm plastered with aloe gel with lidocaine in it we started wiping down the walls and cupboards. Good thing I haven't done my fall house cleaning yet. And there was just enough soup left for Ole, Lovely Daughter and Lars to make a meal. By that time I wasn't really interested in eating it.
Everyone said it was really tasty, though. So next time I make it I'll not be in such a hurry. I promise.
Oopsie! I hope you aren't too injured! I did the same thing with a cream of broccoli soup. Went out the next day and bought one of those hand-held immersion blenders. Never have to suffer like that again!
Oopsie! I hope you aren't too injured! I did the same thing with a cream of broccoli soup. Went out the next day and bought one of those hand-held immersion blenders. Never have to suffer like that again!
Original, indeed! Ole really is a First Responder! Good for him and you take good care of that burn. I was on crutches for 4 months after spilling hot fat on my foot.
Hugs (very gentle ones)
~ Sil
OUchy! Been there myself. I seem to always have something blow up when I cook. My pups just love it when I cook, they get to sample first. :)
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