Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Projects

I like to stay busy. At least with things that I like to do. Staying busy with cleaning and dusting and scrubbing isn't the kind of busy that I like to be, but it has to get done - thus the laundry story from yesterday.

The kind of busy that I like to be is where I can accomplish something and not have to do the same thing over again tomorrow or next week - like cleaning up dog hair - that's an every day thing. And believe me, I've had plenty of that kind of busy on this trip with the two grand dogs. German Shepherds are the biggest hair factories in the world. Ole brushes them every night and collects the hair in a paper grocery bag. I think by the time we get home the bag will be completely full.

But I digress. When we travel for the winter I always bring along my sewing machine and a few projects that I've intended to work on but never seem to have much time when I'm at home.

I don't have the room here to spread out like I do at home in my sewing room, but somehow I manage. This year I brought along all the makings for a king-sized duvet cover for my bedroom at home. The carpet is steel gray with teal and cranberry flecks in it, so the duvet cover coordinates. I started it when we arrived at Big Brother's place the beginning of January, and yesterday I put the last of the top stitching on it. The top stitching is done in a silver metallic thread - just a bit of sparkle to it in the right light. Today I'll add the backing and the zipper and - Taa Daa - it will be ready to slip on the comforter when I get back home.

I also have enough fabric left to make a coordinating bedskirt, pillow shams and curtains. So I still have a bit of sewing left to complete the entire project, but the rest is all easy stuff.

Then there are my crochet projects. When I'm not sewing it seems I'm crocheting. My mother taught me when I was a little girl, and I taught my daughter a numer of years ago. We've both managed to win purple ribbons (grand prize) at the county fair. Here's the latest crochet project I've been working on. It's just about done. I like big, heavy, long afghans that cover you up completely to snuggle down in on a chilly evening.

Obviously, so does Lucy because every time I start to work on it she thinks it's a license to sit in my lap on top of my work. This prohibits accomplishing much, but then it's nice to have "kitty love" now and then.

Love Lena


Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Lena, I've done some sewing. I am curious what kind of a long zipper who found to put on the duvet. I probably would have opted for velcro, because it is easy. Just curious. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Lucy looks so pretty on your afghan, you should let her have it!

Meggie said...

MY LORD and holy reincarnated cows! What a beautiful, gorgeous afghan. I don't know much about crocheting, but I'd love to learn. I've even got a beginner's how-to book. My MIL would be my best teacher though. When it comes to knitting, crocheting and sewing, she's very accomplished. Did you find the duvet material all in one piece or did you kind of piece it, you know, like a quilt? Still, I'm amazed that your RV affords you the room to sew at all, but I know that nowadays, RVs can be supersized. My aunt and uncle have one of those, complete with washer and dryer. Give Lucy a pet to purr by. She's so pretty.

Capitolady said...

What a gorgeous Afghan were did you get the pattern? I spend all my time when not cleaning with a crochet hook in my hand. :) or a dog bisquet :)

I so understand the dog hair... My Raven sheds her weight in hair each day I swear!

Anonymous said...

The afghan!! Glorious!!!!!!

Marge said...

My friend, that afghan is absolutely beautiful! I can sew, I can quilt, but I cannot crichet. Can you recommend a teacher? A book? Or maybe I should just stick with quilting. I am impressed.

Memaw's memories said...

Lena, you are a woman after my own heart. I, too, need a project to keep me busy and housework just doesn't cut it.

You have done a beautiful job on the cover, and I love the crochet project.

I did some knitting for Christmas gifts, and made a smocked jumpers for the granddaughters.

Right now I'm working on a pagent dress for the oldest granddaughter.

My mother taught me to crochet too, but I'm a self taught knitter(which is why I can't knit socks, and can't find anyone to teach me).

Enjoy your time traveling.

Anonymous said...

From the few photos of the inside of your RV, you seem to have a lot of room. I am so impressed by someone who can actually using a sewing machine inside an RV

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are gorgeous! I am impressed!