Then - yesterday as I was working outside trying to pull the weeds that are thriving in my flower beds I got buzzed. And buzzed again. We must have had a half dozen humming birds that took possession of my back yard. They love my trumpet vine and spent a lot of time investigating that. Unfortunately, I didn't see any male hummers - just females. I thought that was kind of strange.
They visit every morning about nine and again in the afternoon about five or six o'clock. I wonder where they go in between those times?
I have an orchid cactus that has put on a particularly spectacular display this year. I have it outside right now and the hummers absolutely love it. The bright red flowers are about as big as my hand and each flower drips honeydew faster than the hummers can keep up with it. So that's a BIG attraction in my back yard.

Now what is a person supposed to do with a clutch of turtle eggs? I couldn't leave them there and didn't plan to babysit them until they hatched, so I gently carried them down to the river bank where the dirt was softer, dug a shallow hole and buried them. There. I've done my good deed for the day. Just don't call me grandma to a bunch of baby turtles or I might have to hit you!!!
Talking about good deeds - Ole and I completed another one a couple of days ago. As you know, we're both animal lovers. Can't stand to see an animal hurt or lost. We were headed into town the other night about 5:30 p.m. and noticed this little black dog running down the railroad track - headed south towards the river. We both noticed it, commented on it and didn't think much more about it other than it was strange. The little guy looked like he knew where he was going - but then who knows.
Later that evening when we arrived back home about 9:30 both my cats, Simon and Lucy were out on the deck - arched backs, tails fluffed up and growling. We've had a stray tom cat hanging around and at first I thought they had him cornered. I looked again and there hiding behind the grille was the little black dog shivering and shaking, terrified of these two cats. I immediately went over and picked him up and he snuggled right up under my chin, relieved I'm sure that these two cats weren't going to attack him. Both cats are bigger than he was. Fortunately the little dog had tags on, although they were so worn they were extremely difficult to read. We finally made out a last name, looked it up in the phone book and made the phone call. It was an older couple that came to pick up their little guy, so grateful that someone had found him. They offered money, which we immediately declined and suggested they spend it to buy a new name tag for the little guy.
We both slept good that night.
Daisy went to the beauty parlor yesterday. I think she came home 5 pounds lighter and so soft she feels like silk. German Shepherds are notorious for shedding and she certainly does her share. Ole said he had to PRY her out of the truck when he dropped her off, and when we picked her up she came running and tried to jump in his arms. She's 90 lbs. and just a bit on the large side to be a lap dog. But I guess she can always try.
Love you all,
I check your blogspot every day to see whether you have found the time to entertain us again. I understand your cultural background so well and and I always look forward to your next adventure. You have a way with the camera that captures the essence of what you are describing in words. You are special and I hope that you will continue to captivate us with your stories.
Lena dear, you don't even have to leave home to have the same things we have here in the state park! We have birds and trees and turtles too. This morning a huge turtle had dug a hole and deposited her eggs right in front of the sidewalk to the women's bathroom. One dug a hole in the middle of the road. They are interesting, aren't they! Can I come work in your park next year?
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