Friday night we hosted the groom's dinner at our house and it was a huge success. Lots of food and comaraderie, plus a bit of Ole's homemade wine for all those that cared to imbibe. It was Ole's job to keep the fire going in the fire pit. That's where the problem arose.
The fire pit is made up of decorative concrete blocks surrounding the fire pit. We have six adirondack chairs surrounding the fire pit set on a concrete foundation. As you know, the front legs on the adirondack chairs stick out in the front. As Ole was walking around the fire pit to get to the firewood stack, he caught his leg on the front leg of one of the chairs, tripped and went down onto the edge of the decorative concrete blocks. He's extremely fortunate that all he hit was his cheek and not his eyeball. But nevertheless, the next morning his cheek was swollen along with being black and blue and green. I made him sit on the davenport and put ice on his cheek for the entire morning. It helped the swelling, but not the ugly color.
May got to the church and saw his eye and about freaked out. She went home and got all her makeup and managed to hide the worst of the discoloration. So Ole looked pretty good for the pictures, but by the end of the evening all his makeup had either worn off or had been smeared on whomever he danced with, and he was looking a bit on the "discolored" side. But by that time nobody cared anyway!
Here's a few more pictures (if you're not tired of looking yet). They're in no particular order because I'm too tired to fight with that tonight. So just take them for what they're worth, K?
Mother in Law and Son in Law
Father walking the bride down the aisle.
Beautiful bride in our back yard.
Robert wanted chocolate cupcakes instead of a cake. He got them.
I thought the bridal table turned out so pretty.
I put Big Brother on the plane this afternoon - and I cried. I miss him so much. I do so wish we lived closer. He lives in New Mexico and that's a long ways from Minnesota. We're the only two left in our generation of our family, and he's such a wonderful person - I miss him terribly. BTW, he and May hit it off - there were definitely "sparks." I'll post pictures at a later time.
I'm still in recovery mode. I've been sleeping about 11 or 12 hours a night since the wedding and taking a nap of a minimum of an hour or longer every day. I hope that all the stress is over now and that all of us can return to our normal lives.
More pictures tomorrow - or are you tired of seeing pictures yet?
Love Lena
BTW, Yes, Meggie Lou, the outdoor pictures were taken in my backyard.
PS: See the new picture at the bottom of the page.
Ooh Sparks between your brother and May?! Awesome!
There's hope that you'll be seeing more of Big Brother in the future, then? Wonderful!
Your pictures are great; I really enjoy them.
Yeah, I have tripped over those darned, out-thrust front legs on Adirondack chairs myself. Sure hope Ole is feeling better. May is a jewel to cover it up so well. I couldn't see the bruise in the photos.
Hugs and skritches for the kitties,
~ Sil
The pictures are great; it looks as if everything was wonderful.
You look terrific in that dress. I hope you get another chance to wear it. Otherwise, we will have to set up a mothers party, where all mothers-in-law can show off the gowns they wore at the wedding.
Everything sounds and looks lovely. Congratulations to all!
Sorry it has taken me so long to catch up, but ... What great pictures! Daughter looks lovely .. must be why you call her Lovely Daughter. :) Ole looks great too, makeup can work wonders.
Hope he healed up ok.
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